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Fan Opinion on the UEFA Nations League 2020/21
69.9% also see the tournament as an opportunity for small and medium-sized soccer nations to regularly participate in international matches. From a marketing point of view, there is also a great deal of potential from which the smaller soccer nations can also benefit in addition to participating in sports. However, there still seems to be exploitable potential in the area of media coverage of the Nations League. According to the survey, 43.8% of fans state that they want to follow the competition in the media. One reason for this could be that only about one third of all fans (34.8%) feel sufficiently informed. At this point it is advisable to critically question the communication work of the associations, sponsors and media partners. Because especially with a new format, which has a massive impact on different areas, such as the sporting and physical components of the players, the qualification for European and World Championships, as well as on the TV and streaming offer, a comprehensive provision of information for the format's most important target group, namely the fans, is indispensable.
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Jens Jaschinski
Director Consultancy
Fon: +49 (0) 911 - 54 81 830